Form1 Reminder DDE Form1 Label1 Item: RequestCmd d=y c=demo Label2 Poke data: PokeData 9/3 Test Did Poke work? Request Request MyExit RequestData `Press the "Request" button to get data, Press the "Poke" button to put a new item into Reminder. Command1_Click LinkMode LinkTopic AppTop LinkItem LinkType Label1_Click0 Text1 caption Command2_Click Command3_ClickY Text1_Change Text2 Text21 Request_Click Form_Click Poke_Click MyExit_Click PokeData_Change PokeData RequestData Text2_Change RequestData_Change RequestCmd MyExe NyExe LinkErr NO_APP elseError1 MyDDEError MyDDEVerify MyDDEPokeError Request_Click Reminder|Items 1=hot 2=cold 0=nonei The application is not running Poke_Click Reminder|Items 2=cold 0=noneE The application is not running MyExit_Click Command1_Click Reminder|Items 2=cold 0=none MyDDEError Reminder is not running!